How to Display HTML & CSS Code in JSX

Display HTML/CSS code in React

Did you ever need to output HTML, CSS or Javascript to the screen from a React JSX(TSX) component? I simply pre-build the code string outside/above the return() statement in my component. The secret sauce is to wrap the desired code string in back-ticks - see screenshot above.

<div className='grid grid-cols-2 pt-4 pb-2 text-slate-300'> 
    <div className='pr-3 text-right'> 
        <label htmlFor="options">Colors: </label> 
    <div className='pl-3'> 
        <select name="type" id="type" style=border: 'thin solid silver', borderRadius: '5px'> 
            <option value="text">Cyan</option> 
            <option value="radio">Magenta</option> 
            <option value="select">Yellow</option> 
            <option value="checkbox">Black</option> 
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